Jun 25, 2020
After a long break from the topic, Zoweh returns to the Four Pillars Talk with Pillar Number 2, Orientation. On deck are Michael, SJ, Jim and Tom. With the last talk on Orientation being back in February, it was definitely necessary to recap on the concept of the Pillars. Over the last decade, these were the principles...
Jun 23, 2020
Kingdom in Living Color – Part 2
Michael Thompson, SJ Jennings, Keith Daniels
In this episode, Keith recalls a story from when he was in little league football and was returning a punt, dropped the ball, leaned his head down and was cleaned out. He most likely had a concussion from that hit. Going back to the...
Jun 15, 2020
The Kingdom in Living Color – Part 1
Michael Thompson, SJ Jennings, Keith Daniels
Keith Daniels is our friend and one of the founding members of Zoweh. He and Michael have spent years together in ministry as well as on the basketball court. In this series, we dive deep into Keith's story and explore a Kingdom...
Jun 11, 2020
Michael Thompson, SJ Jennings, Greg Sailors
Welcome to Part 3 of 4 on The Secrets to Fatherhood.
Here’s a quick recap:
Point 1 – The 1st episode was about the most important thing you can do for the hearts of your kids, as well as for any heart you love, is to – Get Your Heart Back and become oriented with...
Jun 4, 2020
Join Michael and SJ as they explore the Secrets to Fatherhood and candidly discuss how we've already wounded our kids because we're wounded.