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Oct 28, 2023

Getting your heart back begs the question, "Where did it go?" Although we are born with a wandering, wayward heart, once Jesus takes residence and breathes in new life, we are transformed. Is the heart still wicked after Jesus has transformed it? Join Michael and SJ as they explore the concept of the heart as described...

Oct 17, 2023

Haste makes waste including wounding relationships. Discover the benefits of slowing down - creating a gap between the stimulus and the response. Taking time to ask the question, "God, what's going on here?" allows for discernment and deliberate decision making. Join Michael and SJ as they unpack the Do's and Don'ts...

Oct 12, 2023

To share or not to share, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler after a "Major Encounter with the Lord" to share emphatically with thy family, or to take a different approach and thereby experience wins via Practicing the Presence of God and Patient Endurance. Join Michael and SJ as they tackle the challenges of...