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Nov 29, 2023

The kingdoms of light and darkness that battle over our hearts have to follow the rules set up in God's universe. Michael and SJ discuss the legality of these terms and the algebra equation of wounds, vows, and agreements. Learn how invite God to help you solve the equation and restore freedom in your heart.

Nov 21, 2023

The first step to healing is to identify the wound. Relational and spiritual wounds are tricky because the symptoms often do not match the underlying cause and could go for years without being treated. Furthermore, we are not likely to rush to the Emergency Room of a spiritual doctor as we would rush to a medical doctor...

Nov 9, 2023

No matter how we parse or define the heart, we recognize the critical function of the heart in governing our thoughts and actions. Why does the Bible say that we must guard our heart? Who could break into our heart and what damage could possibly be done? Can we escape having a wicked heart? Is it even possible to be...